Di Pierfranco Bruni© . L’antropologia nell’arte diventa sia etnografia sia etnologia. Ovvero il confronto tra Arti e Miti resta fondamentale, soprattutto quando sono le forme a prendere il sopravvento. I colori e la luce, i paesaggi che si aggrovigliano nelle metafore, la geometria delle figure, le linee e le forme sono un “indicativo” […]View post →
St. John Hall Gallery will entertain Mary Blindflowers’ paintings since 5th until 30th of June. The exhibition will be open 11am to 4:30pm Tuesday to Sunday, closed on Mondays. St. John Gallery is located at Barnmouth, North Wales, UK. Its alternative and no profit seat proposes innovating and out-of-box artists and sets interactive spaces […]View post →
Di Rosanna Mutinelli© Alchemy in oils . The artist Mary Blindflowers leads to a way of colourful and undetermined images, populated with childish cutout of animals, biomorphic and thready figures, objects looking like toys, working quite exclusively with oil on canvas technique. At a glance, these images are like suggesting a superficial feeling of […]View post →
Mary Blindflowers© Sa, Professore, l’asino vola . Premetto per i professori, accusati magari di plagio letterario, che dovessero passare, per caso, di qua, e che hanno commentato l’articolo che segue in altra sede, per tentare un mio screditamento sistematico quanto patetico, che questo mio pezzo, quest’accozzaglia di frasi in libertà, non ha alcuna […]View post →
Ziferblat loves art, and we are pleased to present our new exhibition! Come an meet Mary Blindflowers for a night of discovery and art. Her technique involves oil on canvas and charchoal drawings, lino and mixed media artworks on various surfaces. Mary’s style is rich of symbolic images that represent her deepest approach […]View post →
Saturday 1st April – Wednesday 19th April 2017 Oil on canvas and charcoal drawings, lino and mixed media artworks on various surfaces by the Italian artist Mary Blindflowers based in Hertfordshire. Many of these artworks are used in Mary’s books production as paperback and hardback cover of her own books published currently in Italy. One […]View post →
Di Alessandro Dell’Aira© Oil on canvas, Only God, Mary Blindflowers© Fiori Freschi is the title that has been given in 1943 by Mario Praz to a bunch of his essays about really different subjects, drawing attention to the inappropriate language describing the cut flowers as “fresh”. The same contradiction worries Mary […]View post →